
What am I becoming as a PE teacher? The challenges and inspirations of PE in Ireland today. Pedagogical Change

What am I becoming as a PE teacher? The challenges and inspirations of PE in Ireland today. Pedagogical Change What am I becoming as a PE teacher? It’s a tough question to answer. The real answer I won’t find out until I get my first contract as a real teacher. All I can do is suggest the kind of teacher that I hope to be and outline why it is that I want to become her. It can be challenging to determine who I want to be as a teacher, a principal once said to me that I should picture my best and worst teachers, remind myself of why they were good or bad and then aim to place myself somewhere between the two. It’s a nice idea in theory, but rather difficult to put into practice. How does one become this teacher and especially how do I manage it when teaching a very different curriculum to that which I was taught myself? I have come to the conclusion that while my core beliefs as a teacher remain the same, my goals would alter based on the different area of P.E I was teaching...
Physical education vs Instragram:  Educating young people to understand body image. My Personal Experience From my experience of teaching physical education in an all girls secondary school it was clear to me that the students have a very different upbringing to the one that I had only a few years ago, and the main reason for this altered perception is social media. Hardly a day went by where I didn’t have a student ask me to grant them permission because they wanted to take a selfie because “Miss, the lighting is just so good in here.” Sometimes it was encouraging, as students wanted to record games they were playing in PE because they enjoyed them so much, however it is that feeling of “if its not on my insta miss it didn’t really happen” that shows just how deeply affected these students are by social media. In one particular case, I was teaching a HRA circuit to a class and a number of students asked me if they did workouts like this more often would they have ...

The Impact of Social Issues such as Social Class on Physical Education

Social issues such as Social Class has an Impact/Influence on Physical Education From My Experiences: From my teaching practice experience I found that social class has a great impact on students’ involvement in physical education. I taught in a DEIS school where the vast majority of the students came from lower class backgrounds and many had financial issues or difficulties in their home lives. The school was also located in the inner city so students had very little access to opportunities for physical activity. I found that the only involvement the majority of the students had in sport were the opportunities provided to them by the school. One instance where this was shown was when rowing Ireland joined up with the school, this allowed the students to participate in a 6 week introduction to rowing programme and then allowed them to join Galway rowing club for free for the remainder of the year. Training sessions were put on directly before school to facili...

Quality Physical Education and the Use of Digital Technology to Provide an Inclusive Learning Environment

Quality Physical Education and the Use of Digital Technology to Provide an Inclusive Learning Environment My Experience of the Topic From my experience on school placement I found that quality PE for the students was a class where the students were happy to engage with the content and found what they learned was beneficial to their lives outside of the classroom. The aim of physical education is to provide students with the skills knowledge and dispositions to be physically active for a lifetime and I found that quality PE is a classroom where that is achieved.   The school where I was on placement had very little equipment and even less technology available for use in the PE class. I did take every opportunity I had to introduce technology to the classroom, for example I found it very useful to show the students videos of dances on laptops before they performed them so they could gain an appreciation of what the dance would look like when they all performed it together...