
Showing posts from March, 2020

What am I becoming as a PE teacher? The challenges and inspirations of PE in Ireland today. Pedagogical Change

What am I becoming as a PE teacher? The challenges and inspirations of PE in Ireland today. Pedagogical Change What am I becoming as a PE teacher? It’s a tough question to answer. The real answer I won’t find out until I get my first contract as a real teacher. All I can do is suggest the kind of teacher that I hope to be and outline why it is that I want to become her. It can be challenging to determine who I want to be as a teacher, a principal once said to me that I should picture my best and worst teachers, remind myself of why they were good or bad and then aim to place myself somewhere between the two. It’s a nice idea in theory, but rather difficult to put into practice. How does one become this teacher and especially how do I manage it when teaching a very different curriculum to that which I was taught myself? I have come to the conclusion that while my core beliefs as a teacher remain the same, my goals would alter based on the different area of P.E I was teaching...